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My Happy Adventure Dog & Me - Group Coaching Sessions

Group Coaching Sessions

Imagine a Place where you can feel supported as you are guided in a Group Coaching Session to help transform your struggles with your 
highly sensitive or high energy dogs.

Focus on the core areas required for enjoying time out in the big wide world using kind, supportive and heart centred approach.  

My Happy Adventure Dog - Group Coaching  Clinics

Running monthly, there will be a theme each month, keep up to date on what's coming up in the community as well as check here. 

Group Coaching Clinics

Join a small and like minded group for these coaching clinics that differ from any other group sessions for dog parents. In a heart centred approach for dogs of high energy, it can feel overwhelming, so we meet online first to help you fully understand what happens in each session. 

Comliment your learning

There is complete programme that you and your dog can complete alongside your Group Sessions to elevate your learning and understanding of your high energy dog. 

Expert Guidance

Access during the session to a qualified, trusted but also owner of a high energy, highly sensitive, high drive dog, I have learnt so much and continue to share the most up to date and heart centred approach to help you and your dog life the best life, together. 

Real LIFE Ready

Each session will be a number of reliable games and exercises that can help you and your dog feel prepared for Real Life.
Practising your skills around distractions but a controlled environment. 

Coming up in the next 3 months

Coaching Clinic - FUN GUN DOG Games Workshop (April)

This month, we will focus on FUN GUN DOG games and exercises helping you provide a much needed outlet for your high energy dog.

Coaching Clinic - Recall for Off Lead Joy Workshop (May)

This month we will delve into the world of Off Lead Joy with understanding how to build confidence with your recall skills. 

Coaching Clinic - Loose Lead Walking Workshop (March)

This month is all about helping create a more connected walk between dog and handler. Calmness when walking together ready for real life adventures.